Messages from the Council Chair

Council delivers value to the region

April 2015

Value. It’s what the Metropolitan Council delivers every day: 

  • Our wastewater rates are 40% below the national average, while we consistently win awards for environmental compliance.Council Chair Adam Duininck
  • Metro Transit has the highest ratio of bus fare revenue and the third lowest subsidy per bus passenger trip of our 13 peer U.S. regions.
  • For more than a decade, our Metro HRA has earned the highest possible ranking for administrative efficiency.
  • The Council is on the forefront of planning and putting in place energy conservation measures that are saving ratepayers and the public millions of dollars each year.   

Our region is fortunate that nearly 50 years ago the state’s leaders realized that to get the best value for taxpayers, it made sense to address issues that transcend local boundaries on a regional basis. Our region’s water quality, our transit and highway systems, and our amazing regional parks system are all the result of this regional approach.
We’re proud of our work at the Council and we are proud of the value we deliver to the region.
Local officials, too, are justifiably proud of the work they do on behalf of their communities. During February and March, I traveled to each of the seven counties and met with local officials. They eagerly shared their efforts and accomplishments on a range of issues, whether planning for water resources in Washington County, taking on housing challenges in Carver County, or addressing transportation challenges in Dakota and Scott counties.

These are all issues the Council is committed to working with communities to address. When it comes to our diverse region, I understand the importance and distinct nature of the challenges each community faces. Even though we may disagree on certain particulars about a policy, it must be clear that we are all working toward solutions in the best interests of the people we serve.
I’m open to hearing how the Council can do a better job. We can never be satisfied and we will always be listening. My goal is to make sure we capitalize on the strengths of all of our individual communities and work together so that we have a prosperous, sustainable region now and in the future. 

By Adam Duininck