Latest Census data: Region has high education and low poverty, but racial disparities persist

Date: Thursday, September 17, 2015

New American Community Survey (ACS) data paint the most current picture of the Twin Cities region. The U.S. Census Bureau released the data Sept. 17, providing vital information that help inform governments, nonprofits, and the business community about communities and the issues they face.
For the Twin Cities, the ACS data highlight the region’s high educational attainment and low poverty rate, but also reinforce the longstanding concern about racial and ethnic disparities that are among the largest in the country.
Research staff at the Metropolitan Council have analyzed the data and developed a new MetroStats report, Disparities Unmasked: The Twin Cities Metro in 2014 (pdf).

ACS data are provided on a yearly basis, and lend insight on jobs and occupations, educational attainment, veterans, home ownership and rental housing. Public officials, planners, and entrepreneurs use the information to assess the past and plan for the future.


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See more planning data from the Council's research staff.


Posted In: Communities, Planning