Access to Destinations
Supporting prosperity by connecting people and businesses to destinations.
- Increase the availability of multimodal travel options, especially in congested highway corridors.
- Increase reliability and predictability for travel on highway and transit systems.
- Ensure access to freight terminals such as river ports, airports, and intermodal rail yards.
- Increase the number and share of trips taken using transit, carpools, bicycling, and walking.
- Improve the availability and quality of multimodal travel options for people of all ages and abilities to connect to jobs and other opportunities, particularly for historically underrepresented populations
Providing access is transportation’s fundamental purpose. There are ways access can be better provided, and there are barriers to good access that need to be managed or eliminated.
Both population and employment are forecasted to increase in the coming years. Maintaining good regional access to destinations requires putting in place a variety of strategies and tools to address congestion, including offering multimodal options, implementing travel demand and congestion management, and making highway improvements.