Appendix F — List of Tables

Table Short Caption
Table 1 Metropolitan Council Members
Table 1.1 Equipment - Percent of service vehicles that have met or exceeded their useful life benchmark.
Table 1.2 Facility - Percent of facilities rated below 3 on the condition scale
Table 1.3 Infrastructure - Percent of track segments with performance restrictions
Table 1.4 Rolling Stock - Percent of revenue vehicles that have met or exceeded their useful life benchmark
Table 3.1 Expected Minnesota climate trends
Table 4.1 Transit safety by mode and provider
Table 5.1 People served by transit by service type, 2022
Table 9.1 Peer metropolitan regions
Table 10.1 Total Annual Aircraft Operations for MAC Airports. Source: Metropolitan Airports Commission, Annual Reports, 2021 & 2022
Table 10.2 On-Time Performance for Arrivals at MSP
Table 10.3 On-Time Performance for Departures at MSP
Table 10.4 Average Delay Per Aircraft Operation at MSP In Minutes
Table 10.5 Total Annual Passenger Enplanements at MSP
Table 10.6 Airline Cost Per Enplaned Passenger at MSP
Table 10.7 Annual Aircraft Operations for MSP and Peer Airports
Table 14.1 Freeway and arterial street vehicle miles traveled per person in peer regions, arranged by 10-year average
Table 16.1 Livable Communities Act (LCA) program summaries.
Table 16.2 LCA programs, scoring criteria related to transportation, and percent of scoring related to transportation.
Table 18.1 Acres of land tax-classified or in use as industrial within 1/4 mile of a river port facility, a DOT-listed dock, an intermodal rail facility, or anywhere along a class 2-3 rail line.
Table B.1 Commonly used acronyms
Table B.2 Glossary
Table C.1 Per-crash comprehensive costs.
Table C.2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Table C.3 Safety Performance Targets, 2023
Table C.4 Pavement and bridge condition standards.
Table C.5 System reliability standards.
Table C.6 Congestion mitigation and air quality (CMAQ) standards
Table C.7 High-frequency routes, stops served by those routes by year and sample date.
Table D.1 Transit market area descriptions