Tools for Local Government

Reduce I/I in your community

Many communities have reduced I/I in publicly owned sewer infrastructure. But up to 80% of the I/I comes from private property. Use these tools to educate home and property owners about how to reduce I/I on their property.

Basics for property owners

Is your sump pump causing sewer backups? pdf example image
About Sump Pumps (PDF)

You can reduce inflow and infiltration pdf example image
You Can Reduce I/I (PDF)

Reducing inflow and infiltration benefits you and your community pdf example imageCommunity Benefits (PDF)

Reduce your risk of a sewer backup! pdf example imageReduce Risk (PDF)

Newsletter inserts: Focused topics

Handout: In-depth information for property owners

Protecting your health and home: reducing inflow and infiltration (pdf)Protecting your health and home: reducing inflow and infiltration (PDF)
Protecting your health and home, while reducing utility fees, starts with you. Learn how inflow and infiltration costs property owners and communities, and what you can do to identify and correct issues on your property.

  I/I photo gallery

  I/I glossary

Ongoing I/I mitigation program

Metropolitan Council Environmental Services provides financial incentives for communities to reduce excessive I/I in the wastewater system from public and private sources. Since the program began in 2004, metro area communities have invested more than $500 million to repair local wastewater infrastructure.

Inflow/Infiltration grant programs

For more information on our Inflow and Infiltration Grant Programs, visit our Funding and Finance page.

More information

Send questions or comments to [email protected]

For program information, contact Walter Atkins at 651-602-1173 or [email protected]

For grant information, contact Matt Gsellmeier at 651-602-1802 or [email protected]