Resident Engagement Metro HRA

Metro HRA convenes residents in our housing programs throughout the year to provide feedback to help shape Metro HRA programs and policies. Hearing directly from residents helps shape Metro HRA’s plans and goals. These meetings are optional for residents to attend and are not a requirement to continue receiving housing assistance.  

Housing Choice & Project-Based Voucher program feedback session

Metro HRA staff are interested in hearing about your experiences with the Housing Choice and Project Based Voucher programs. We’ll also share what we’ve done with your feedback in the past year and share information about upcoming program changes.

We are offering a gift card in recognition of your time and contributions. You must attend the entire meeting to receive a gift card. Only one gift card per household, and a maximum of two households per property address will be allowed to attend to encourage a diversity of opinions and experiences.

There are five different meeting times to choose from. Snacks will be provided at in-person meetings. The same information is shared at all meetings so you should only attend one meeting:

Sign up to attend a session

If you have received a letter or email from us inviting you to attend an upcoming resident advisory meeting, tell us you plan to come by filling out the form available at this link:  June 2024 Resident Meeting RSVP (

If you are a participant in one of our housing programs and have feedback you’d like to share, or want to be included on future invitation lists, contact Caitlin Magistad at 651-602-1212 or [email protected]