SAC: an easier way to say sewer availability charge
The Metropolitan Council charges this fee directly to local governments. We charge SAC when a residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional property first connects to the regional wastewater (sewer) system. We may also charge SAC when a business grows or a property changes use in a way that creates more demand on the wastewater system.
Local governments pass this charge on to business or property owners. Local governments may also charge, on top of the regional fee, an additional fee for connection to the local wastewater system.
Wastewater pipes and water resource recovery facilities are expensive to build. We borrow money to build them large enough to serve both current and future customers. The space required for future customers is called reserve capacity. SAC pays the debt for that extra capacity.
The communities and building permit authorities that are included in the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services SAC area can be found on the list of SAC Reporting Communities (PDF).
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