SAC forms

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Please send your SAC determination applications through our online submittal system at or email the entire submittal packet to [email protected]. Hard copies can be accommodated if necessary.

SAC determination forms

  • Affidavit of Business Use: Food and Drink Establishments (Affidavit-A)

    This form is required to be submitted with the other items listed on the Transmittal-A Checklist if the business use is a food or drink establishment. This affidavit must be filled out and signed by the business owner.

  • Affidavit of Business Use: Process Discharge (Affidavit-B)

    This form is required to be submitted with the other items listed on the Transmittal-A Checklist, if the business has any type of process discharge. This affidavit must be filled out and signed by the business owner.

  • Affidavit of Property Use (Affidavit-C)

    This form is required, when requested, to validate the use of a property when no SAC history or documentation of previous use exists. This form must be filled out and signed by the customer community building official and the building official's manager. 

  • Reclaim Car Wash Systems

    A submittal checklist for reclaim car wash systems. All items on this checklist must be submitted with the Transmittal-A form and items listed on the checklist.

  • Phased Development Plan (Phased Development)

    This form is a checklist of required items to be considered for a Phased Development request by the customer community. This form must be signed by a customer community official and submitted with all items on this checklist.

  • Major credit transfer

    A major SAC credit transfer allows a transfer of SAC credits between or within customer communities. The request originates either from the customer community or from the Department of Employee and Economic Development (DEED) for a business that DEED determines is of statewide economic significance. See Section 5.7 of the SAC Procedure Manual for further information and restrictions.
  • Minor Credit Transfer: Submittal Checklist (Minor Credit Transfer-D)

    This form is to be submitted with the Activity Summary Report by the customer community when the permit is issued for the future site. A request from the customer community is detailed on the Minor Credit Transfer-D form that includes the signature of an authorized official of the customer community, limited to 10 SAC or less that has been paid to Metropolitan Council Environmental Services by the customer community, and is only for the benefit of an identified, current business moving from one site to another in the same community. See Section 5.7.2 of the SAC Procedure Manual for further restrictions and information.

SAC activity report forms

  • SAC Activity Summary Report (SAC-A)

    Form Metropolitan Council Environmental Services SAC-A is a summary of information from the supporting activity reporting forms. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services must receive the SAC reports and payments within 30 days of the end of each reporting period. Postmark date is not acceptable. If the payment and report is received within 30 days, a 1% prompt payment discount may be retained by the customer community and must be shown on the form Metropolitan Council Environmental Services SAC-A submittal.
  • SAC Residential Detail Report (SAC-B)

    The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services SAC-B form is required to document all new use activity for residential properties. All residential activity must be shown on the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services SAC-A form submittal. There are two tabs associated with this form: SAC-B (Basic) is for those new residential properties with no offsetting SAC credit; and SAC-B is for those new residential properties that have offsetting credits, such as previous demolitions.

  • SAC Commercial Detail Report (SAC-C)

    Form Metropolitan Council Environmental Services SAC-C is required to document all new use and change of use activity for commercial properties (including nonprofit, government, and institutional). A Metropolitan Council Environmental Services SAC determination letter may be substituted for this form if it includes an address, building permit number, issue date and pertinent credit information. A commercial activity must be shown on the Form Metropolitan Council Environmental Services SAC-A submittal.

  • SAC Demolition Declaration Report (SAC-D)

    Form Metropolitan Council Environmental Services SAC-D is required to document all demolition activity. This form establishes a potential future credit and is required to be reported to Metropolitan Council Environmental Services in order for the demolition to be creditable for the new use. Monthly reporting is recommended.

  • SAC Deferral Report (SAC-E)

    The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services SAC-E form is for those customer communities that have executed the standard master SAC deferral agreement. This form is to include information on those businesses that the customer community is requesting to participate in the SAC deferral program with Metropolitan Council Environmental Services.

  • SAC Residential Deferral Report (SAC-F)

    The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services SAC-F form is for those customer communities that have executed the standard master SAC residential deferral agreement. This form is to include information on those residential properties that the customer community is requesting to participate in the SAC residential deferral program with Metropolitan Council Environmental Services.