Environmental Services Customer Portal

The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Customer Portal is an online platform for municipalities to access vital wastewater treatment information and resources. The site contains maps, data, and program details to better meet the needs of our community. 

Portal benefits

Here is what you can accomplish through the portal:

  • Use the customizable data dashboard for a quick view of wastewater flow data that may be useful for planning and prioritizing system upgrades.
  • Download metered wastewater flow volumes on-demand with an intuitive, easy-to-use process that provides timely, accurate data.
  • Use the interactive map to learn more about the Met Council wastewater system and Met Council-permitted industries.
  • View sewer planning and construction updates to learn more about current Met Council capital projects.
  • Retrieve community-specific Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) data, including Phased Development Credits, Unreported Determinations, and Industry Capacity Charge information. 
  • Complete the annual Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Sewer Survey.
  • Access links to data for local waterbodies.
  • Submit Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) program information, including work plans and credits, to track I/I work and keep a record of past expenses.
  • Apply for available I/I grants.
  • Search the documents library for past correspondence, policy manuals, and more.

Program drivers

Allow customers access to flow data and I/I program information 
Provide customers access to local public outreach materials  
Build and strengthen customer relationships 
Offer a means of streamlined communication  

Visit the portal and set up an account. Call 651-602-1068 or email Met Council Environmental Services Customer Portal at [email protected] for more information.