Investing in transit and supporting transit oriented development (TOD) are priorities for the region. These efforts support the five outcomes of Thrive MSP 2040: Stewardship, Prosperity, Equity, Livability, and Sustainability.
The Metropolitan Council’s TOD Policy states that the Metropolitan Council will play a leadership role in planning and implementing TOD. We will continue to support local communities to ensure that growth supports a reliable and cost-effective transit system, help cities leverage private investment, and advance regional equity.
Purpose of TOD Guide
For local planners, elected officials, planning commissioners, and others interested in planning, this TOD Guide is intended to:
- Explain the roles and responsibilities of each level of government in planning and implementing TOD.

Address the importance of market demand and the needs of people most dependent on transit.
Emphasize implementation.
Share case studies and best practices that demonstrate how cities overcame challenges and achieved successful outcomes.
Help local planners build and share knowledge of TOD planning and implementation.
Reflect topics of interest to local planners working on TOD planning and implementation.
Suggestions on Resources
We want this resource to be current and constantly improving. Can you suggest resources that you think would help others? Do you have ideas about how this guide could be more helpful? Contact us at [email protected]
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