Southwest Corridor (METRO Green Line Extension) Station Area Planning Meeting. Neighborhood stakeholders addressed density, design, and connections.Planning for TOD addresses many of the same issues that cities encounter throughout their entire community. Issues include population and employment growth, future uses of land, housing and transportation needs, protecting the natural environment, and economic development. We provide guidance for local comprehensive planning in the Local Planning Handbook.

Planning for TOD, however, means emphasizing the fundamentals of density and walkability. Moderate- to high-density uses can locate potential riders near transit systems and services. An effective transit system also depends on passengers reaching transit on foot or by bike. This requires walking and bicycling routes that are direct, safe, and pleasant to use.

Density by Design

The appropriateness of density, and the market demand for density, varies from place to place. Allowing different levels of density is one way cities respond to market demand and the needs and preferences of households and employers. Additional density can make redevelopment projects financially feasible. Additional density can also support local retail markets, meet housing needs, and leverage public amenities. If these locations
are near transit, the likelihood of using transit increases.

Making the Connection

Successful TOD in the region will result in more of the region’s residents taking transit, more of the time, and for more reasons. Walking or bicycling to transit is an important part of the transit rider’s journey. If walking or biking to transit is feasible and enjoyable, the real estate market will respond more favorably to transit.