To have a well-designed, carefully maintained transportation system that includes travel by car, bus, rail, truck, bicycle, foot, and airplane, the region needs a plan that:

  • Connects communities
  • Offers transportation choices
  • Invests in roads and bridges, trains, transit, bike lanes, sidewalks, and more

Input from a wide range of stakeholders shapes our transportation planning decisions, from policymakers and local leaders, to business interests and residents of the region. Public participation is an essential element of planning, which is why we do extensive outreach to ensure all voices are heard.

Partnerships that work

We team up with state, regional, and local partners to plan a transportation system that connects people to places and opportunity. This system not only moves us around the region, it also allows our regional economy to compete on a global scale.

The Met Council and its transportation committee also work closely with our Transportation Advisory Board. This board is where state, regional, and local officials, transportation providers, and community members contribute to the plan and recommend projects for federal funding.

People boarding a bus.

The region’s vision for transit

Our vision is a transit system that works for everyone. We operate Metro Transit, the largest transit system in the state. That system includes an expanding network of light rail and bus rapid transit. And our regional commitment to Metro Mobility means we also provide service for those who have a disability or health condition and can’t use regular bus or rail service.

Federal funds for local projects

We want to be sure that local projects selected for federal funding line up with the goals and policies of the Transportation Policy Plan. Projects range from improving a transit corridor or adding bike facilities, to building a traffic overpass or creating a safer route to school. These projects then become part of the region's four-year Transportation Improvement Program.

Comprehensive planning

Cities, townships, and counties in the seven-county metro area are required to prepare comprehensive plans by the Metropolitan Land Planning Act. Our staff review these plans to make sure the transportation elements reflect the goals and policies of the Transportation Policy Plan.