Transportation Funding & Grants

Planning and building a 21st century transportation system

A cost-effective, world-class transportation system is vital to a thriving, competitive regional economy. The Met Council is the region’s federally-designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and with its partners on the Transportation Advisory Board, plays an essential role in ensuring public resources are invested wisely to advance economic growth.

Regional solicitation

Regional Transportation Sales and Use Tax

In the 2023 session, the Minnesota Legislature passed a new sustainable revenue source for region’s transportation system. This ¾-cent regional transportation sales tax goes into effect in October 2023. More on the Regional Transportation Sales and Use Tax.

  • Active transportation – A portion of this funding is dedicated to active transportation projects. This new funding source is expected to provide up to $24 million annually for active transportation initiatives. More on active transportation funding.

Regional solicitation

Federal funds for local and regional transportation needs

Counties, communities, and transit providers may apply to the Met Council for federal funding for transportation infrastructure and services:

  • Regional Solicitation – Supports locally-initiated highway, road, transit, and other transportation improvements in the seven-county metro area. More on the Regional Solicitation.

Federal grants management

The Met Council receives federal funding to support locally planned, constructed, and operated public transportation systems, and is responsible for managing projects supported by these funds according to federal requirements. More about federal funding for local transportation projects.

Right of Way Acquisition Loan Fund

The Right of Way Acquisition Loan Fund is a revolving loan fund program to acquire property located within an officially-mapped metropolitan highway right-of-way that is threatened by development.

Letter of support for competitive grant programs

If your agency is pursuing a non-Council administered competitive grant program for transportation and would like to request a letter of support, please complete the letter of support request form.

Notice of Funding Opportunity Tracker 

The Association of Metropolitan Planning Organization has published a Notice of Funding Opportunity tracker. The tracker is updated weekly with key information regarding upcoming federal funding opportunities most relevant to metropolitan planning organizations. Users can tailor the tool to their specific program interests and sort funding opportunities based on a wide range of criteria.