Council adopts 2021 budget, keeps tax levy flat

Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Metropolitan Council adopted a 2021 budget and property tax levy. The Council voted to keep the overall tax levy the same as 2020.

The Met Council is the regional planning organization in the seven-county metro area. We run the regional bus and light rail system and Northstar commuter rail, collect and treat wastewater, coordinate regional water resources, plan regional parks, and administer federal funds for housing for low- and moderate-income families.

We levy property taxes for five basic purposes:

  • Capital investments in transit — new buses, park-and-ride lots, transit hubs and bus shelters

  • Grants to local government for:

    • Cleanup of polluted land for redevelopment

    • Affordable housing

    • Innovative development/redevelopment that connects housing, jobs, and services and demonstrates efficient land uses

  • Regional planning activities and administration of the Met Council

  • Capital improvements in regional parks

  • Highway right-of-way preservation, if needed

Estimated impact of proposed levy on various homesteaded residences (most municipalities)*:


Total levy

Decrease from 2020

$125,000 market value $ 32.90 $ 0.62
$250,000 market value $ 65.80 $ 1.23
$500,000 market value $131.60 $ 2.40

* Municipalities outside the transit taxing district pay substantially less via the Council levy.

Other sources of revenue that will fund the Council’s 2021 approved operating budget of $1.1 billion include:

  • Transit fares
  • State revenues
  • Wastewater fees
  • Federal revenues

“We credit the federal government and the use of well-planned budget reserves for helping the Council through the devastating impacts of this year’s pandemic,” said Marie Henderson, Acting Chief Financial Officer. “The result is a balanced 2021 budget and minimal impact on homeowner property taxes as we sharpen our pencils and plan for what we hope and expect will be a post-pandemic future.”

Related: Met Council earns top credit ratings for a recent bond sale.

Posted In: Council News