Met Council announces federal grant to address affordable housing shortage

Date: Thursday, June 27, 2024

One person giving a thumbs up to three people standing behind a podium.The Metropolitan Council is the recipient of a $4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to help remove barriers to affordable housing production and preservation. 

“It’s no secret there is a significant shortage of affordable housing in the region,” said Charlie Zelle, Chair, Met Council. “This additional funding is more than a lifeline, it will allow us to advance our work of creating communities where there are safe, stable, and dignified housing choices for everyone.” 

Under the Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing program, the funding will allow Met Council to enhance its collaboration on regional housing policy and financing. Successful housing programs rely on local, county, and state partnerships to identify new housing opportunities. The Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) funds will be strategically used to support communities throughout the seven-county region focusing on policy and planning, technical assistance, direct grants, and assisting new development in affordable housing. 

“This funding is paramount to our work,” said Lisa Barajas, executive director, Community Development, Met Council. “In order to truly achieve our region’s goals, we must take a fresh look at the issues that are preventing us from delivering affordable and equitable housing choices in the communities across the region.” 

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Richard Monocchio traveled to Saint Paul to make the announcement on grant funding for the PRO Housing program. 

Posted In: Council News, Housing