Met Council adopts draft budget for public comment

Date: Friday, November 15, 2024
Operations-Spending_500.jpgThe Metropolitan Council adopted a public comment draft of its 2025 budget in October and will accept public comments on the budget through Dec. 11.
The proposed $1.6 billion budget funds:
  • Wastewater collection and treatment services for 90% of the seven-county metro region’s population.
  • Operation of Metro Transit, Metro Mobility, and other transit services that provided nearly 49 million rides in 2023.
  • Acquisition and development of regional parks and trails.
  • Rental housing assistance to more than 7,200 households with low incomes.
  • Planning, grants, and technical assistance to 181 local governments in the region.
“We provide essential services and collaborate with counties, cities, and townships to plan and coordinate growth so our region thrives, now and in the future,” said Charlie Zelle, Met Council Chair. “Through our partnerships we can achieve ambitious goals that may be unrealistic for a single community but are possible together.”

In addition to funding essential services, the budget prioritizes activities – within our areas of authority – that help address disparities and advance equity in the region, reduce climate impacts, protect and restore natural systems, and expand affordable housing choices.

More than half of the Met Council’s 2025 funding will come from state and federal revenues (56%). Another 27% will come from transit fares and wastewater fees; the metro property tax (6%); reserves (10%); and the remaining 1% from other sources.

Property-tax_500.jpgThe proposed regional property tax levy is just more than $96 million, about 2% above the levy for 2024. Met Council levies are about 1.2% of the overall property tax levy in the metro area. It is roughly equivalent to $47 in property taxes for a home estimated at $300,000 (in the transit taxing communities where we provide transit services).

Read the Draft 2025 Unified Budget.

To comment on the draft budget, you may:
  • Send an email to [email protected]
  • Mail your comments to Public Information, Metropolitan Council Communications, at 390 N. Robert St., St. Paul, MN 55101.
  • Call our public comment line at 651-602-1500 or (TTY) 651-291-0904.
  • Register to comment at the public hearing on Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 6 p.m. by emailing [email protected] or calling 651-602-1500.
Emailed, mailed, or recorded comments must be received by 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 11 to be included in the report for the public comment budget.

Posted In: Council News

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    Time: 6:00 PM
    Location: Location Rogers Activity Center
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    Rogers, MN 55374

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