Possible cuts to Twin Cities bus routes cause unease for UMN students

Minnesota Daily

Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Metro-area bus routes could be greatly reduced and fares increased by cuts to state funding.

A transportation finance bill in the State House of Representatives would grow the transit funding deficit to almost $140 million. If the bill passes, light rail expansion could stall, and 40 percent of bus routes could be cut. The Senate version of the bill would spur a 15 percent cut to bus routes.

John Schadl, a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Council, said transit hasn’t been well-funded for a while and currently receives $74 million less than what it would take to maintain current routes over the biennium.

A higher deficit would stop work on prospective light rail expansions, like the Southwest Light Rail Transit Project, a route from downtown Minneapolis to Eden Prairie. Cuts to bus routes would affect the whole metro area, including University of Minnesota routes, Schadl said.

Jacqueline Brudlos, spokesperson for the University’s Parking and Transportation Services, said it’s too early to gauge how cuts would affect the University community.


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Source: Minnesota Daily

Link: http://www.mndaily.com/article/2017/04/possible-transit-cuts-cause-unease

Posted In: Transportation