Common questions: What’s in a 30% design?

Date: Monday, February 12, 2024

Project staff are in the process of completing 30% design plans for the METRO Blue Line Extension project for community and city partner review this spring. We’ll be out in community getting more feedback on these plans in the coming weeks.

These plans are the result of robust engagement and community and city input over the past several years, and we’ll be out in community getting additional input in the coming weeks before they are final. While there are still many details and decisions ahead, this is an important milestone that will set the stage for future conversations, planning and engineering to move the project forward. But what exactly is included in 30% design?

Design phases and elements

There are certain design milestones at 30%, 60%, and 90% level of design when plans are released for stakeholder and community feedback. Project staff have and will continue to engage the community throughout the entire plan development process and through construction.

Illustrated example of a house at different levels of design completion. At 30% design, the house is an outline. At 60% design, windows and more have been added. At 90% design, most details have been added.

Up to 30% design, communities, cities, and partners have provided input on major design decisions, including:

  • Alignment
  • Station locations
  • Typical sections (such as width of vehicle lanes, sidewalks, etc.)
  • General access changes
  • Preliminary plans

During the 60% design phase, project staff will seek input on more detailed design elements, including:

  • Refinements to typical sections (such as width of vehicle lanes, sidewalks, etc. and access)
  • Site plans for park-and-rides
  • Traffic plans
  • Environmental mitigation measures
  • Intersection design

During the 90% design phase, project staff will seek input on refining details, including:

  • Station architectural design (i.e., platform, shelters)
  • Lighting plans
  • Landscaping plans
  • Architectural treatment of retaining walls and noise walls, where applicable
  • Construction planning


Posted In: Transportation

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  • Crow River Water Resource Recovery Facility Public Hearing

    The Metropolitan Council will hold a public information meeting and public hearing to inform the public about and accept comments on its Draft Facility Plan for the Crow River Water Resource Recovery Facility.

    Date: 1/8/2025
    Time: 6:00 PM
    Location: Location Rogers Activity Center
    21080 141st Avenue North
    Rogers, MN 55374

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