Blue Line Extension receives $700,000 for station area planning in Minneapolis

Date: Thursday, May 2, 2024
A transit station should not be an island separate from the neighborhood around it. It should be an integral part of it, moving people to the homes, businesses, and attractions in the area.  Planning for connections, development, and growth in near future stations is critical to maximize benefits of transit investments to the people and businesses in the corridor today and to set the stage for future growth and investment.

The Federal Transit Administration has awarded $700,000 to the Metropolitan Council for station area planning for the Blue Line Extension in Minneapolis.

Good planning creates a vision for new housing, development, business growth, and connections between the new line and the neighborhood. Good station area planning can attract riders, stimulate business, and make logical connections for walking, biking, and vehicle drop-offs.

When it’s done well, transit-oriented development around light rail stations can enhance accessibility and spur economic development, creating jobs and invigorating local businesses while supporting community wealth building. Hard data show that development and transit investment go hand in hand, with 37% of the region’s growth since 2008 occurring along transit lines.

It’s important that growth be intentional and targeted to benefit the people who live and work where the proposed investment will take place. The station area planning grant will consider several key areas.
  • Affordable housing
  • Small business support and development
  • Connections for people walking, biking, and rolling
  • Environmental justice
  • Climate change
But any good plan requires participation by the people who will be served. In partnership with the City of Minneapolis, we expect to kick off this work later this year. Watch this space for more news for station area planning as it moves forward.

Posted In: Transportation