Southwest LRT Supplemental Draft EIS Available for Public Review and Comment (Updated 6-3-2015)

Date: Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Southwest Light Rail Transit (LRT) (METRO Green Line Extension) Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement is available for review and comment. An electronic version of the document is available on the Supplemental Draft EIS page. Hard copies of the document are available at the local libraries and city halls along the alignment, as well as at the Southwest LRT Project Office.  

The Southwest LRT Project is an approximately 16 mile proposed extension of the METRO Green Line (Central Corridor LRT) that would operate from downtown Minneapolis through the communities of St. Louis Park, Hopkins, Minnetonka, and Eden Prairie, passing in close proximity to Edina. 

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is the federal lead agency under the National Environmental Policy Act and the Metropolitan Council (Council) is the state lead agency under the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act for development of the Southwest LRT Supplemental Draft EIS. The Supplemental Draft EIS is needed because the FTA and Council determined that design adjustments made to the project following publication of the Draft EIS in October 2012 needed to be evaluated for environmental impacts that have the potential to result in new adverse impacts.

The Notice of Availability appeared in the Federal Register on May 22 and comments will be accepted through July 21, 2015.  

For more information, including the locations of review copies, see the Supplemental Draft EIS page.

Posted In: Transportation

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