Why you’re not likely to read news reports of a Minnesota poop train stranded in Alabama

Minn Post

Date: Monday, May 7, 2018

Good morning, America, how are ya?

Kind of smelly of late in Parrish, Alabama, where a train filled with human feces from New York City, bound a thousand miles away for a landfill in Adamsville, Alabama, was parked from February to mid-April causing a big stink. 

The train stopped in its tracks as another local jurisdiction prevented it from passing through, the Washington Post reported. The matter was resolved in mid-April when the treated sewer sludge was removed truckload by truckload.

As for how a train full of dung from New York came to be stopped in Alabama, well, the city dumped its feces into the ocean until about 30 years ago. When the federal government put the kibosh on that practice, New York started looking for other solutions.

One was to ship some of its fecal matter — that's biosolids in polite company — to landfills. Over time, the city's had to send the sludge farther away because nearby landfills have tightened restrictions on accepting such material and received complaints, says the Associated Press.

There are no fecal freighters hauling out of Minnesota, says the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Instead, incineration accounts for about 61 percent of biosolid processing, compared to 21 percent used as farm fertilizer and 18 percent that is landfilled.

So if you thought burning biosolids was something only high school kids do on doorsteps, think again. By far, by mass, the most common method of processing human feces in Minnesota is by fire.

Here’s how the system works.


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Source: Minn Post

Link: https://www.minnpost.com/environment/2018/05/why-you-re-not-likely-read-news-reports-minnesota-poop-train-stranded-alabama

Posted In: Wastewater & Water