Met Council adopts 2022 wastewater rates

Date: Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Metropolitan Council adopted wastewater rates and charges for 2022 for its wholesale customers and industrial users. Adoption followed preliminary notice to customers in May, and two workshops for local governments in May and June.

The total municipal wastewater charge will increase by 4% to nearly $250 million. Increases to individual municipalities will vary based on their overall 2020 wastewater flow. The Met Council will issue city-specific charges in August.

Metropolitan Council Environmental Services earns about three-quarters of its revenue for the wastewater collection and treatment system from the municipal wastewater charge. The remainder comes from the sewer availability charge (SAC), industrial waste charges, and a small amount from other sources. The Council is holding SAC flat for the eighth consecutive year at $2,485.

See a list of the 2022 rates and charges (PDF).

See a previous newsletter story for more details on the 2022 rates and charges.

The Met Council treats wastewater for 110 cities and townships with 2.7 million people in the Twin Cities metro area at 9 wastewater treatment plants.

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