Growth in northwest metro prompts wastewater investment

Date: Thursday, December 13, 2018

New Crow River wastewater treatment plant to launch by 2030

The regional wastewater treatment system has made it possible for the metro area to grow and develop, and has helped improve water quality in area lakes and rivers while protecting public health. Planning is now underway to add a ninth wastewater treatment plant to the regional system to accommodate growth in the northwest metro.

Map shows location of the current wastewater treatment plant and its service area, and the site of a future plant.Following a public hearing in January, and Council review and approval in February, the Council would acquire the wastewater treatment plant in Rogers.

The Council expects to operate the plant for about 10 years then decommission the facility after building a new plant at the western border of Hennepin County. Initially, the new Crow River plant will have the capacity to treat about three million gallons of wastewater a day, serving Rogers and the cities of Corcoran and Dayton.

While discussions about expanding sewer capacity in the area started more than a decade ago, the City of Rogers, in October this year, formally asked the Council to acquire the 60-year-old plant, citing local growth and needed investment in the plant to meet regulatory requirements.

Regional wastewater treatment system is efficient, cost-effective

“This project continues work that began in the 1960s to establish a regional wastewater system, which has become one of the most efficient and accomplished systems in the country,” said Jeannine Clancy, an assistant general manager in the Council’s Environmental Services Division.

“To pay for this service, the Council charges communities user fees that are among the lowest in the country compared with similar-sized systems,” said Clancy.

The communities, in turn, pass costs on to businesses and residents that are connected to the regional system through local water and sewer bills.

Clancy called it a successful regional/local collaboration and partnership that has spanned decades.

Regional system treats water from showers, sinks, toilets, washing machines...

The regional system currently serves 109 metro area municipalities and 2.8 million residents, who benefit significantly from the cost advantages that result from the size and scale of the operation.

The regional system collects and treats about 250 million gallons of wastewater a day. Wastewater is conveyed to the regional system of pipes and plants via about 5,000 miles of sewers that local communities own and maintain, and 600 miles of regional interceptor pipes.

Council officials estimate the value of the region’s investment in eight treatment plants, interceptors and metering and lift stations to convey wastewater flow at $7 billion.

Public comment period for the Rogers Wastewater Treatment Plant

Open House and Public Hearing
January 14, 2019
Open house 2:00-3:00 pm
Public hearing begins at 3:00 pm
League of Minnesota Cities
145 University Avenue W.
Saint Paul, MN 55103

The public comment period will remain open until 5 p.m. on Jan. 24, 2019.

Direct public comments to:
Anna Bessel, Assistant Manager, Engineering Programs
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services
390 Robert Street North
Saint Paul, MN 55101-1805
[email protected]

Posted In: Wastewater & Water