Wastewater treatment plants achieve 100% permit limit compliance

Date: Sunday, August 6, 2023

A woman in safety glasses stands in front of a control panel with many buttons.2022 was another year of peak performance for the Metropolitan Council’s nine wastewater treatment plants. Two of our plants — Hastings and St. Croix Valley — are among the top five performing wastewater treatment plants in the nation.

In July, the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) recognized the plants with either a Platinum Award (five or more consecutive years of 100% permit limit compliance) or Gold Award (up to four consecutive years of 100% permit limit compliance).

In 2022, our plants successfully met a combined total of 24,400 individual limits. "Achieving this level of compliance is an impressive feat," said Leisa Thompson, general manager of the Met Council’s Environmental Services division. "Our staff’s focus on excellence ensures that our wastewater collection and treatment services continue to protect public health and the environment.”

Treatment plants and their continuous peak performance include:

  • Hastings (32 years)
  • St. Croix Valley (31 years)
  • Blue Lake (17 years)
  • Eagles Point (17 years)
  • Empire (15 years)
  • Metropolitan (11 years)
  • Seneca (6 years)
  • Rogers (4 years)
  • East Bethel (2 years)

Environmental Services meets rigorous permit requirements very cost-effectively. According to NACWA’s survey of U.S. wastewater agencies that treat at least 100 million gallons of wastewater per day, residents of the Twin Cities metro region pay about 35% less for wastewater services than residents of our peer metro areas.

Met Council wastewater treatment services

Posted In: Wastewater & Water