Call to Order
- Approval of the Agenda
- Approval of February 15, 2023 Metropolitan Council’s Committee of the Whole minutes
Consent Business
- 2023-14: Master Contracts for Arterial BRT Section 106 Consultation Services, Contract 22P322 (Adam Smith, 612-349-7160)
- 2023-34: METRO Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit – Subordinate Funding Agreement (19I054D) with Washington County (Mike Ulmer, 651-602-1957)
- 2023-36: METRO Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit – Station Pylon Contract Option (Alicia Vap, 612-349-7079)
- 2023-45: City of Lakeville MUSA Extension and Forecast Update Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Review No. 22077-11 (Patrick Boylan, 651-602-1438)
- 2023-46: Norwood Young America Industrial Park Expansion Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Review No. 22238-4 (Raya Esmaeili, 651 602-1616)
- 2023-51: Safety Targets Action Item (Jed Hanson, 651-602-1716)
Non-Consent Business – reports of standing committees
Community Development
- 2023-48: 2023 Livable Communities Act Fund Distribution Plan (Sarah Berke, 651-602-1198)
- No reports
- 2023-40: Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PFA) Loan Agreement and General Obligation Wastewater Revenue Note. Res no 2023-1 (Mark Thompson, 651-602-1629) {updated resolution} {redlined resolution}
- 2023-44: METRO Green Line Extension Systems Contract Change Order to Add 00810 Supplemental Conditions for Re-Baselined Systems Schedule Cost Claims Resolution (Dan Abelson, 651-602-1713; Jim Alexander, 612-373-3880)
- 2023-33: METRO Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit Full Funding Grant Agreement if Awarded by the Federal Transit Administration (Alicia Vap, 612-349-7079)
Other Business
- 2023-57: Appointments to the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission (Charles Zelle, 651-602-1453)
- Addressing Homelessness in the Region (Sgt. Beverly Rodriguez, 612-349-7200; Margaret Perez, 651-602-1445; Ryane Ottengheime Leifheit, 651-602-1869)
Additional Notes:
Pursuant to its Bylaws the Council may consider a time-critical business item on a Committee of the Whole meeting agenda when the item requires timely action by the Council’s governing body. The Council will consider and take formal action on this business item at this Committee of the Whole meeting.
Items listed under the Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion with no separate discussion. If discussion on an item is desired, the item could be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration.
* Agenda item changed following initial publication