Green Line Extension Executive Change Control Board Meeting
NOTICE: Governor Walz has declared a peacetime emergency (Emergency Executive Order 20-01) in response to COVID-19 and the Metropolitan Council Chair has determined it is not practical or prudent to conduct an in-person meetings for reasons stated in the Governor’s Emergency Executive Order. Accordingly, committee members will participate in this meeting via telephone or other electronic means and the meeting will be conducted under Minnesota Statutes section 13D.021 at the date and time stated above. We encourage you to monitor the meeting remotely. If you have comments, we encourage members of the public to email us at We will respond to your comments in a timely manner.
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Event Number: 146 931 4251
Event Passcode: 1234
Action Required
- Welcome
- Minutes from June 9, 2021 Approval
- Resolutions
Resolution 21-ECCB-08 Approval
- Approval of Change Order 94 resulting in a contract cost increase and use of project contingency funds in the amount of $576,178.86. The scope for this change order widens the Red Circle/Yellow Circle connection to accommodate two-way traffic.
Resolution 21-ECCB-09 Approval
- Approval of Change Order 345, resulting in a contract cost increase and use of project contingency funds in the amount of $519,347.34. The scope of this change provides a grounding loop and connections to all metallic elements around the stations with vertical circulation.
Resolution 21-ECCB-10 Approval
- Approval of Change Order 351, resulting in a contract cost increase and use of project contingency funds in the amount of $1,450,000 to increase the unforeseen conditions allowance.
Resolution 21-ECCB-11 Approval
- Approval of Change Order 353, resulting in a contract cost increase and use of project contingency funds in the amount of $21,155,890 for additional contaminated soil disposal.
- Monthly Report on Change Orders Information
- Adjourn
Next Meeting: Monday, June 25, 2021 at 11:00 a.m.