Metropolitan Transportation Services
390 N. Robert St., St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1805
Telephone (651) 602-1000; TDD (651) 291-0904; FAX (651) 602-1739; Metro Info (651) 602-1611

           NOTE           Union Depot--214 East 4th Street, St Paul, MN 55101


                                      Meeting  Room  to the  Right  of  Depot  Entry  Way


Wednesday June 6, 2012

12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
  1. Call to Order and Introductions                  (12:30 - 12:33 pm)        Ron Biss                     
  1. Approval of Agenda                                    (12:33 - 12:34 pm)         Ron Biss
  1. Approval of the 05/02/2012 Minutes           (12:34 - 12:35 pm)         Ron Biss
  1. Legislative Update                                       (12:35 – 1:00 pm)         Mike Kuehn (651) 602-1364              
  1. Depot Tour                                                   (1:00 - 1:45 pm)            Steve Morris (651) 296-1365    
  1. Tour Discussion                                            (1:45 – 2:10 pm)          
  1. Member Comment                                       (2:10 – 2:20 pm)             Ron Biss
  1. Public Comment                                          (2:30 – 2:30 pm)             Ron Biss
  1. Adjourn                                                        (2:30 pm)                        Ron Biss 

       Ron Biss                                           Nicole Villavicencio                                  Alison Coleman

Chair (952) 888-3370                                  Vice Chair                                       TAAC Staff (651) 602-1701
Notify Ron or Alison if you are unable to attend the meeting.
Materials to be distributed in print must be submitted in an electronic format before the meeting.
Please refrain from wearing any heavy fragrances
Please turn off all cell phones and pagers during the meeting
Please hold your questions and comments until the end of each presentation, or until the
Presenter asks for them, and then wait to be recognized by the Chair before speaking