Metropolitan Council Building, 390 No. Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Notice of a meeting of the


May 10, 2012
12:30 PM
Council Chambers, Metropolitan Council Building
390 North Robert Street, St. Paul


I.         Call to Order.
II.        Adoption of the agenda.
III.       Approval of the minutes from April 12, 2012. w
IV.      Information Items and Action Transmittals.
(Scheduled times for each agenda item are approximate, not time-certain)
a. 2012-25 12:35-1:00 Transportation Planning and Programming Guide for the Twin Cities. w
Recommendation to approve the Transportation Planning and Programming Guide.
·         Ann  Braden, Metropolitan Council
b. Information and Discussion 1:00-1:30 Guideway Status Report w
Presentation on a biennial report on transitways in Minnesota that operate on exclusive or controlled right-of-way. 
·         Lance Brimhall, MN Department of Transportation
V.       Other Business.
VI.      Adjourn.
w  Information enclosed.
The public may comment at the committee meeting on any item on the agenda.  For more information, please click here.