Management Committee Meeting

Regular Meeting
August 28, 2024 | 2:30 p.m.
Location: Robert Street Room 1A - Directions


Call to Order

  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Approval of August 14, 2024 Management Committee minutes

Non-Consent Business – reports of standing committees

  1. 2024-188 JT: 3rd Quarter Budget Amendment (Stewart McMullan, Director of Budget, 651-602-1374)
  2. 2024-225 SW: Labor Agreement with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District Lodge No. 77 (Alexis Baker, Labor Relations Program Manager, 651-602-1437; Cassandra Tabor, Chief Human Resources Officer, 651-602-1417)


  1. Quarterly Investment Review Committee Report (Mark Thompson, Director, Treasury, 651-602-1629)
  2. 2025 Health and Dental Premium Rates (Marie Henderson, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, 651-602-1387)
  3. Discussion of Attorney-Client Privileged matters and Litigation issues (Ann Bloodhart, General Counsel, 651-602-1105) (Closed Session)
    • Jamesia Sullen v. Metropolitan Council, et. al.
    • Metropolitan Council v. CSM RI Eden Prairie, LLC
    • Stairstep Foundation v. State of Minnesota, et al.
    • Michael Janish v. Metropolitan Council, et al.
    • Angela Gibson v. Metro HRA


Additional Notes:
Notice: A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 13D.05, subdivision 3(b); Minneapolis Star and Tribune Co. v. Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the City of Minneapolis, 310 Minn. 313, 251 N.W.2d 620 (Minn. 1976); and Star Tribune v. Board of Education, Special School District No. 1, 507 N.W.2d 869 (Minn. Ct. App. 1993) which permit public bodies to close meetings to discuss attorney-client privileged matters.
JT:        Joint business item; presented at two or more committees prior to being presented at Council
SW:      Action taken by the Council and Committee the same week
*           Agenda item changed following initial publication

Committee information

Management Committee

Committee contact:

Lori Connery
[email protected]