Metropolitan Council Building, 390 No. Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Notice of a meeting of the


February 9, 2012
12:30 PM
Council Chambers, Metropolitan Council Building
390 North Robert Street, St. Paul


I.         Call to Order.
II.        Adoption of the agenda.
III.       Approval of the minutes from December 21, 2011w
IV.      Information Items and Action Transmittals.
(Scheduled times for each agenda item are approximate, not time-certain)
a. Information and Discussion 12:35-1:00 Arterial Transitway Study
Presentation on a study to evaluate potential improvements, cost and benefits of Bus Rapid Transit on arterial streets identified in the Transportation Policy Plan.
·         Charles Carlson, Metro Transit
b. Information and Discussion 1:00-1:45 Regional 2030 Transportation Policy Plan
Presentation on the Twin Cities long-range regional Transportation Policy Plan.
·         Connie Kozlak, Metropolitan Council
V.       Other Business.
VI.      Adjourn.
w  Information enclosed.
The public may comment at the committee meeting on any item on the agenda.  For more information, please click here.