Meeting of the Environment Committee

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Council Chambers
4:00 p.m.
Committee Members: Sandy Rummel - Chair, Edward Reynoso, Wendy Wulff - Vice Chair, John Đoàn, Lona Schreiber, Harry Melander, Gary Van Eyll


I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Agenda

III. Approval of the Minutes of the regular meeting of October 9, 2012

IV. Business

1. 2012-346 Authorization to Enter into an Agreement with the University of Minnesota (William G. Moore 651-602-1162)
2. 2012-347 Authorization to Negotiate and Execute a Master Utility Agreement with Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) for the Relocation of Interceptor 9101 as a part of MnDOT State Project No. 8214-114 (Scott Dentz 651-602-4503)
3. 2012-348 Approval of Municipal Wastewater Charge (MWC) Adjustment Agreement with the Cities of Hugo and Forest Lake (John Atkins 651-602-1020; Kyle Colvin 651-602-1151)
4. 2012-349 Authorization to Award and Execute Contract 12P213 with SKB Environmental, Inc. for Transport and Disposal of Stabilized Biosolids (Larry Rogacki 651-602-8225; Micky Gutzmann 651-602-1741)
5. 2012-350 Adoption of Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) Procedure Changes (Jason Willett 651-602-1196)

V. Information

1. Environmental Services Division Risk Management Update (Phillip Walljasper 651-602-1787) 
2. Water Resources Policy Plan Update (Keith Buttleman 651-602-1015; Judy Sventek 651-602-1156)
3. 2013-2016 DBE Goal Methodology (Wanda Kirkpatrick) 
4. General Manager’s Report no materials included

VI. Adjournment