Call to Order
- Approval of the Agenda
- Approval of May 22, 2024, Management Committee minutes
Non-Consent Business – reports of standing committees
- 2024-110 JT: 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment (Stewart McMullan, Director of Budget, 651-602-1374)
- 2024-160: FM 14-2 Expenditures for the Procurement of Goods, Services, and Real Estate Policy version six (Jody Jacoby, she/her/hers, Chief Procurement Officer, 651-602-1144; Kelly Jameson, she/her/hers, Director of Real Estate, 651-602-1556)
- No Information Items
JT: Joint business item; presented at two or more committees prior to being presented at Council
SW: Action taken by the Council and Committee the same week
* Agenda item changed following initial publication