TAC Funding and Programming Committee Meeting

Regular Meeting
August 15, 2024 | 1:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual
Minutes (PDF)


Call to order

  1. Roll call
  2. Approval of the agenda
  3. Approval of the June 20, 2024, TAC Funding and Programming Committee minutes – roll call

Public comment on committee business

If you have comments, we encourage members of the public to email us at public.info@metc.state.mn.us. You may pre-register to speak at a virtual public meeting of the TAC by emailing us at public.info@metc.state.mn.us.

TAB report


  1. 2024-39: SouthWest Transit Scope Change (Joe Barbeau, MTS) – roll call
  2. 2024-40: Scope Change Policy Update (Joe Barbeau, MTS) – roll call
  3. 2024-41: Program Year Policy Update (Joe Barbeau, MTS) – roll call



Other business


Full Packet

Committee information

TAC Funding and Programming Committee

Committee contact:

Robbie King, Planner