Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting

Regular Meeting
February 1, 2023 | 12:30 p.m.
Location: Robert Street Council Chambers - Directions
Minutes (PDF)


Call to Order

  1. Roll call                                    12:30                                        
  2. Approval of the Agenda:        12:35 – 12:38
  3. Approval of December 7, 2022, Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee minutes         12:38 – 12:40

Business & Information Items

  1. Transit Worker Recognition   12:40 – 1:10
        Vice Chair Darrell Paulsen & Chair David Fenley
  1. The Application of Panelists for the Paratransit Appeals Process     1:10 – 1:45
        Brian Pilon, Investigation & Resolution Specialist OEEO
        Tyshia Riddley, IRU Project Coordinator, Investigation & Resolution Unit OEEO
  1. Legislative Update
       Hannah Pallmeyer, Government Affairs Liaison       1:45 – 2:00

Reports                                      2:00 – 2:10


  1. Blue Line – Ken Rodgers
  2. Green Line – Christopher Bates
  3. Gold Line – Darrell Paulsen
  4. Purple Line – Darrell Paulsen

Bus Priority Seating TAAC Work Group   

Chairs Report

Public Invitation                        2:20 – 2:10

Invitation to interested persons to address the Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee. Pre-register at [email protected]. Each speaker is limited to a three-minute presentation.

Member Comment                     2:25 – 2:30

Adjournment                             2:30

Council Contact:
Alison Coleman, Recording Secretary
[email protected]
David Fenley, TAAC Chair
[email protected]
Darrell Paulsen, TAAC Vice Chair
[email protected]

Committee information

Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee

Committee contact:

Kevin Petrie
[email protected]