Metropolitan Council Building, 390 No. Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Notice of a meeting of the


August 15, 2012
12:00 Noon
Council Chambers, Metropolitan Council Building
390 North Robert Street, St. Paul


I.         Call to Order.
II.        Adoption of the agenda.
III.       Approval of the minutes from May 10, 2012 and June 14, 2012. w
IV.      Information Items and Action Transmittals.
(Scheduled times for each agenda item are approximate, not time-certain)
a. Information 12:05-12:15 Transportation Policy Plan amendment for Bottineau Transitway Locally Preferred Alternative and Arterial Transitway Corridor Study Results. w
Staff memo and report on the TAC action to table the Plan amendment; Hennepin County project staff invited to answer questions.
·         Kevin Roggenbuck, TAB Coordinator
·         Mary Karlsson, Metropolitan Council
b. 2012-31 12:15-12:30 2012 Unified Planning Work Program Amendment: Metropolitan Council w
Request to amend the 2012 Unified Planning Work Program to include the Regional Solicitation Evaluation Study, Highway Transitway Corridor Study Penn, Emerson/Fremont, Broadway Corridor Studies, and Thrive MSP 2040 Transportation.
·        Elaine Koutsoukos, Metropolitan Council
c. Information and Discussion 12:30 - 1:15 Regional Forecasts and Thrive MSP 2040: Metropolitan Council
Presentation on the 2040 forecasts and timeline; discuss TAB/TAC involvement in Thrive MSP 2040.
·        Libby Starling, Metropolitan Council
V.       Other Business.
VI.      Adjourn.
w  Information enclosed.
The public may comment at the committee meeting on any item on the agenda.  For more information, please click here.