a. |
Information |
12:05-12:15 |
Transportation Policy Plan amendment for Bottineau Transitway Locally Preferred Alternative and Arterial Transitway Corridor Study Results. w
Staff memo and report on the TAC action to table the Plan amendment; Hennepin County project staff invited to answer questions.
· Kevin Roggenbuck, TAB Coordinator
· Mary Karlsson, Metropolitan Council
b. |
2012-31 |
12:15-12:30 |
2012 Unified Planning Work Program Amendment: Metropolitan Council w
Request to amend the 2012 Unified Planning Work Program to include the Regional Solicitation Evaluation Study, Highway Transitway Corridor Study Penn, Emerson/Fremont, Broadway Corridor Studies, and Thrive MSP 2040 Transportation.
· Elaine Koutsoukos, Metropolitan Council
c. |
Information and Discussion |
12:30 - 1:15 |
Regional Forecasts and Thrive MSP 2040: Metropolitan Council
Presentation on the 2040 forecasts and timeline; discuss TAB/TAC involvement in Thrive MSP 2040.
· Libby Starling, Metropolitan Council