Call to order
- Approval of the agenda
- Approval of February 26, 2025, Management Committee minutes
Non-consent business – Reports of standing committees
- 2025-50 JT: 1st Quarter/Carryforward Budget Amendment (Stewart McMullan, Director of Budget, 651-602-1374)
- 2025-74: Enterprise Asset Management System (EAMS) Software and Implementation, Contract 23P221 (Sue Hauge, Deputy Chief Information Officer, RA, 651-602-1136; Sam Paske, Assistant General Manager, ES, 651-602-1015; Kristin Thompson, Director, Asset Management, MT, 612-349-7782)
- 2025-75: Microsoft Enterprise Licensing and Cloud Renewal, Contract 25P051 (Gretchen White, Chief Information Officer, 651-602-1443)
- 2025-76: Microsoft Unified Support, Contract 23P027 Amendment 2 (Gretchen White, Chief Information Officer, 651-602-1443)
- Regional Administration Strategic Plan (Phil Walljasper, Deputy Regional Administrator, Enterprise Risk Officer, 651-602-1787)
Additional notes:
JT: Joint business item; presented at two or more committees prior to being presented at Council
SW: Action taken by the Council and Committee the same week
* Agenda item changed following initial publication