Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Metropolitan Council, Hosted on WebEx Events | 6:00 PM

Public Participation

•       Register to attend the live WebEx event
•       To join by phone: 1-855-282-6330, access code: 146-819-6029
•       If you have comments about a matter not on the agenda, email: [email protected]


NOTICE:  In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, members of this committee will participate in this meeting via telephone or other electronic means, and this Metropolitan Council meeting will be conducted under Minnesota Statutes section 13D.021 at the date and time stated above. Though we are unable to take verbal comments at this meeting, you may email us at [email protected]. We will respond to your comments in a timely manner.


I.              Call to Order


II.             Roll Call


III.           Approval of Agenda


IV.          Approval of Minutes


V.            Equity Advisory Committee’s 2020 Work (6:10 – 6:50 pm)

Nelima Sitati Munene, EAC Co-chair and Council-Member Francisco Gonzalez, EAC Co-chair | Leah Goldstein Moses, EAC Committee member | Edward McDonald, EAC Committee member

Goal/Desired Outcome: Discussion Item: Committee will discuss and make decision regarding sub-committee work. Goldstein Moses will review current plans and goals of committees, interest, identify hosts/ committee chairs, and roles & responsibilities. Subcommittee work is planned to start immediately for LCA, affordable housing review at October EAC meeting.


VI.          Metro Transit Discussion (6:50 – 7:30 pm)

Wes Kooistra, General Manager, Metro Transit
 Goal/Desired Outcome: Discussion Item: Discussion with Transit leadership about Council plans in moving towards equitable Transit policies. Wes will also provide a brief update/ overview for Network Next.

VII.        Citizens League Discussion on review of MTPD (7:30 – 7:55 pm)

Amanda Koonjbeharry, Director of Public Policy; League of Citizens
 Goal/Desired Outcome: Discussion Item: Discussion with Citizens League staff and EAC Committee members regarding the Metro Transit Police Department review proposal and relating community engagement.

VIII.      Announcements (7:55 – 8:00 pm)

a.     Staff / member updates and discussion

IX.          Adjournment (8:00pm)