Metropolitan Council Building, 390 No. Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Notice of a meeting of the
March 21, 2012
                                           12:00 Noon
Council Chambers, Metropolitan Council building
390 Robert Street No., St. Paul


I.       Call to Order.
II.      Adoption of the agenda.
III.     Approval of the minutes from February 15, 2012.  #
IV.      Information Items and Action Transmittals: Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair.
(Scheduled times for each agenda item are approximate, not time-certain)
a. Information and Discussion 12:05-12:25 Update on the 2011 Regional Solicitation and Presentation on the Regional Solicitation Scoring Process
·         Kevin Roggenbuck, TAB Coordinator
b. Information and Discussion 12:25-12:35 Moving Toward a Performance-Based Transportation Policy Plan (TPP) and Transportation System Performance Assessment (TSPA)
Information about how the Metropolitan Council will incorporate performance based measures into the TPP and TSPA.
·         Mark Filipi, Metropolitan Council
c. 2012-11 12:35-1:00
Scope Change, TIP Amendment and Sunset Date Extension Request: Edina #
Recommendation to deny a scope change, TIP amendment and sunset date extension for SP# 120-020-037; France Avenue/72nd Street Pedestrian Bridge.
d. 2012-12 1:00-1:05 Scope Change and Sunset Date Extension Request: Lakeville #
Recommendation to approve a project scope change and sunset date extension to March 31, 2012 for SP# 188-118-004; Lake Marion Trail Extension and Right of Way Acquisition.
e. 2012-13 1:05-1:10
2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment: Hennepin County #
Recommendation to adopt an amendment to include Section 5309 funding from TIGER III for construction of the Transportation Interchange Facility.
f. 2012-14 1:10-1:15 2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment: MnDOT #
Recommendation to adopt an amendment to include SP# 164-070-025; Nice Ride Expansion at the St. Paul Capitol Complex and State offices.
V.      Other Business.
VI.     Adjourn.
# Information enclosed.
The public may comment at the committee meeting on any agenda item.  For more information, please click here.