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Learn about local public grants and loans that help pay the cost of cleaning up contaminated sites often known as brownfields. Brownfield properties often are close to a high-quality workforce, good transportation, and transit.
In the Minnesota metropolitan area, there are multiple sources of funding to remediate contaminated sites. Hear from panelists representing:
- Hennepin County
- Ramsey County
- Metropolitan Council
- Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED)
We are interested in helping redevelopment that will increase the local tax base, add jobs or affordable housing and leverage private investment while avoiding costly new public infrastructure. Grants are competitive.
Learn about different financing options available to investigate or clean up:
- Petroleum Contamination
- Soil contamination
- Soil vapor contamination
- Groundwater contamination
- Asbestos and hazardous materials
Eligibility for Funding
Cities, Counties, or Economic Development, Housing and Redevelopment, and Port Authorities are eligible to apply. (For-profit and nonprofit organizations looking for help dealing with contamination with real estate redevelopment are encouraged to work with public agencies to apply.)
More than $8M in grant funds (and low-cost loans) will be available this spring. Prior grants have helped make construction of apartments, office, retail, and industrial development on formerly contaminated sites safe and financially sound.
Apply for a grant by May 1.
Questions? Contact
Marcus Martin, 651-602-1054