Nation’s population is older, more diverse

Date: Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Census Bureau, on June 23, released estimates of the U.S. population by age, race, and ethnicity in each county as of July 1, 2015. The estimates show that the nation’s population is increasingly diverse and that the number of older adults is rising—patterns that are evident in the Twin Cities region as well.

Racial and ethnic diversity in the Twin Cities Region

More than one-quarter (26%) of the region’s population is people of color. The region’s white, non-Latino population has grown 2.4% since 2010—a lower growth rate than every other racial/ethnic group. In each of the region’s seven counties, the numbers of black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific Islander residents have grown more rapidly than the number of whites.

How we'll look in 2040

Looking decades into the future, the Council forecasts three major demographic shifts currently underway will continue to shape and reshape our region. By 2040:

  • Two in every five residents will be people of color

  • One in every five residents will be age 65 or older

  • One-third of the region’s households will be one-person households

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Posted In: Communities, Planning