The Metropolitan Council has released the comprehensive development guide for the Twin Cities metropolitan area, Imagine 2050, for public comment. Imagine 2050 includes the following system and policy plans: 2050 Transportation Policy Plan, 2050 Water Policy Plan, 2050 Regional Parks Policy Plan, 2050 Housing Policy Plan, and regional policy guidance related the land use, climate, and equity.
The public is encouraged to view the plan and provide public comment, by 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7, through the Met Council online engagement site:
If you are unable to use the online tool to submit comments, you may use any the following methods:
- Written comments: Metropolitan Council 390 N. Robert St., St. Paul, 55101
- Record comments on Council’s Public Comment Line at 651-602-1500
- Send TTY comments to 651-291-0904
Comments must be submitted by 5 p.m., Monday, Oct. 7.
The Metropolitan Council has planned a public hearing at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25, in the Metropolitan Council Chambers, 390 Robert Street North, St. Paul.
All interested people are encouraged to attend the public hearings and offer comments. Those attending may register in advance to speak by filling out this form at or calling the Met Council at 651- 602-1500.
Individuals who speak languages other than English and individuals with disabilities may request reasonable modifications from the Met Council that they believe will enable them to fully participate in our programs, activities, and services. We are committed to full inclusion of everyone we interact with. If you need a reasonable modification, or to have this information in another language or alternative format, call 651-602-1500 or email
[email protected]. We appreciate you providing us your requests at least one week in advance.
Met Council staff will review public comment and evaluate changes to the proposed policies to address the comments submitted by the public. A recommendation for final adoption of the Imagine 2050 plan will be considered by the Metropolitan Council in early 2025.