The Metropolitan Council will take applications for its Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) waiting list for the first time in nearly three years on April 9. Applications must be submitted by noon on April 16. The Met Council’s housing and redevelopment authority, Metro HRA, will host a lottery on May 1 to randomly select eligible applicants for the waiting list. "Opening the waiting list is one way to create more equitable access to safe and affordable housing in our region,” said Lisa Barajas, director of the Met Council’s Community Development division. “At the Met Council, we are committed to empowering individuals and families by providing the support they need to thrive, ensuring that every community has the opportunity to grow and prosper.” American Indian households will have preference on waiting list This year, Metro HRA will offer a preference for 10% of waiting list placements to heads of households who identify as American Indian. The Met Council made this commitment when it adopted Imagine 2050, the regional development guide, in February. “We are taking a significant step toward addressing the critical need for affordable housing for a community that has been harmed by government policies,” said Terri Smith, Metro HRA director. “This move reflects our ongoing commitment to helping those who need access to stable housing and a foundation for a brighter future. We are proud to support individuals and families on their journey toward stability and opportunity." Because the demand for housing vouchers is far greater than the supply, not everyone who enters the lottery will be selected to join the waiting list, Smith said. Once on the waiting list, the estimated wait time for a voucher is one to five years, depending on funding from the federal government. Being added to the waiting list does not guarantee a housing voucher or subsidy. Find out how to apply starting April 9. A partnership with private rental property owners Metro HRA partners with private rental market landlords to provide affordable housing opportunities for more than 7,200 households in the region. Families may rent any type of housing in the Metro HRA service area from participating property owners. Eligible households pay 30% to 40% of their incomes for rent, and Metro HRA pays the remainder, within established rent guidelines. Participating property owners are guaranteed a stable source of rental income. The Metro HRA serves nearly 100 communities in Anoka, Carver, and most of suburban Hennepin and Ramsey Counties - see map (PDF). Learn more about the Housing Choice Voucher program. Posted In: Housing