Aging and changing: U.S. Census and Metropolitan Council reach similar conclusions about population growth

Date: Friday, June 22, 2018

The Metropolitan Council estimates that metro area population grew more between 2010 and 2017 than the U.S. Census. But both agree the region is aging and becoming more diverse.

The Census Bureau, on June 21, released its annual population estimates for the nation, states and counties by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin.

According to the Census Bureau, the Twin Cities seven-county metro area added 209,637 residents during 2010-2017 (compared with the Council estimate for the same period of 225,899 more people.)

Among the findings:

  • The Twin Cities metro is diversifying. The population of color (including multiracial population) grew from 638,516 in 2010 (24.4% of the population) to 793,510 in 2017 (28.1% of the population).

  • The Twin Cities metro is aging. As baby boomers age, the number of seniors, age 65+, continues to balloon, growing from 281,766 in 2010 (10.8% of the population) to 379,856 in 2017 (13.4% of the population).

  • The aging of the population and the rising number of seniors is concentrated in the white population. Coincidentally, the growing population of color skews younger. These coinciding trends are most noticeable in schools: The metro's school-age population, ages 5-19, was 35.1% people of color in 2010; and 41.3% people of color in 2017.

The Council has forecasted “steady growth and big changes” looking into the future, projecting a metro area population by 2040 of more than 3.7 million, compared with the 2010 population of 2.85 million.

Posted In: Communities, Planning