Blue Line Extension 2023 year in review

Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Thank you to everyone who engaged with us on the METRO Blue Line Extension light rail project in 2023! Your input is critical, and many important milestones were reached this past year with community voices at the forefront.


  • May 2023 – In coordination with Hennepin County and Met Council, Minnesota’s Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) published the Blue Line Extension Anti-Displacement Recommendations report that provides a strong foundation to help corridor partners ensure the project creates prosperity for people in the corridor today and for generations to come. In June 2023, the project’s Corridor Management Committee (CMC) voted to receive CURA’s report and recommendations of the Anti-Displacement Work Group and committed to advancing this work together.

Advancement of route and station locations

  • September 2023 – The Blue Line Extension Corridor Management Committee, including Hennepin County and the Metropolitan Council, gave their support for advancing the staff-recommended light rail track route and general station locations for further study in the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the project.

Funding approved

  • September 2023 – The Met Council and Hennepin County approved a grant agreement that will provide county funds to keep project work going through the end of 2024.

Posted In: Transportation