Call to order
1. Approval of the agenda
2. Approval of October 23, 2024, Metropolitan Council minutes
Public invitation
Interested persons may address the Council on matters not on the agenda. Pre-register at [email protected]. Each speaker is limited to a three-minute presentation.
Consent business
1. 2024-229: Ratification of Procurement After the Fact for the Repair of Seneca Water Hydrant & 6” City Water Line (John Tierney, 651-602-8307)
2. 2024-250: METRO Green Line Extension Light Rail Transit Project Subordinate Funding Agreement No. 18 (12l021R) with MnDOT for 2025 Staffing (Nick Thompson 612-349-7507)
3. 2024-251: METRO Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit Subordinate Funding Agreement No. 13 (#171024M) with MnDOT for 2025 Staffing Support (Nick Thompson 612-349-7507)
4. 2024-252: METRO Purple Line Bus Rapid Transit Subordinate Funding Agreement No. 4 (#21I147D) with MnDOT 2025 Staffing Support (Nick Thompson 612-349-7507)
5. 2024-259: METRO H Line – Planning Support and Concept Design Services, Contract 24P110 (Katie Roth 612-349-7772)
6. 2024-263: Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Minnetonka (Minnetonka Police Department) Contract #24I043(Captain Joseph Dotseth, 612-349-7200)
7. 2024-265: Interceptor 4-NS-525 Rehabilitation, Project No. 808609, Land Acquisition (Tim Wedin, 651-602-4571)
8. 2024-267: 1-MN-346 Rehabilitation Phase 2 - Agreement to Relocate Natural Gas Pipeline, (Contract No. 24P234), (Jeff Schwarz 651-602-1176, Adam Gordon, 651-602,4503)
9. 2024-268: Authorization to hold a Public Hearing on the Draft Facility Plan for the Crow River Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) and Interceptor (Mark Lundgren 651-602-1868, Ryan Piner 651-602-4514)
10. 2024-269: Disposition of Property at 260 Fremont Avenue North (Ryan Piner 651-602-4515, Tim Wedin 651-602-4571)
11. 2024-282: Joint Powers Agreement Amendment with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for the Watershed Outlet Monitoring Program, Contract 22G002 (Daniel Henely 651-602-8085, Cassie Champion, 651-602-8745)
12. 2024-297: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: Three Region 7W Projects (Robbie King 651-602-1380)
13. 2024-298: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: Six Metro District Projects (Joe Barbeau 651-602-1380)
14. 2024-300: City of North Oaks Red Forest Way South - Sanitary Sewer Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Review File 21796-4 (Eric Wojchik 651-602-1330)
15. 2024-301: Joint Powers Agreement with State of Texas Department of Information Resources (Jody Jacoby, 651-602-1144)
16. 2024-302: Title of item Joint Powers Agreement with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (Jody Jacoby, 651-602-1144)
17. 2024-303: Adoption of Utility Allowance for Metro HRA Rent Assistance Programs (Steven Victorey 651-602-1461; Terri Smith 651-602-1187)
18. 2024-311: Signature Authority for MnDOT IIJA Discretionary Match Program Grant Agreement (Nicole Clapp 651-602-1723)
19. 2024-320: City of Eagan Thompson Reuters Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Review File No. 22980-3) (Patrick Boylan 651-602-1438)
20. 2024-326: Adoption of Payment Standards for Metro HRA Rent Assistance Programs (Terri Smith 651-602-1187)
Non-consent business – Reports of standing committees
Community Development
1. 2024-322: Funding Recommendations for 2024 Livable Communities Demonstration Account Development Grants (Hannah Gary 651-602-1633 and Mayor Bill Blonigan)
2. 2024-323: Funding Recommendations for 2024 Livable Communities Demonstration Account Transit Oriented Development Grants (Hannah Gary 651-602-1633 and Mayor Bill Blonigan)
No reports.
No reports.
1. 2024-279: METRO G Line – Engineering and Construction Administration Services, Contract 24P076 (Evan Owens-Ambrogio 612-349-7605)
2. 2024-304: Proposed Fare Policy Changes (Jillian Linnell 612-349-7510, Dennis Dworshak 612-349-7364, Charles Carlson 651-602-1761)
3. 2024-305: Approve Title VI Fare Equity Analysis for Phase 1 Proposed Fare Policy Changes (Dennis Dworshak 612-349-7364, Andrea Kiepe 612-349-7747)
Joint reports
No reports.
Other business
No reports.
· Imagine 2050 Public Comment Update (Lisa Barajas, 651-602-1895; Michelle Fure, 651-602-1545)
· Presentation
1. Chair
2. Council Members
3. Regional Administrator
4. General Counsel
Additional notes:
Items listed under the Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion with no separate discussion. If discussion on an item is desired, the item could be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration.
JT: Joint business item; presented at two or more committees prior to being presented at Council
SW: Action taken by the Council and Committee the same week
* Agenda item changed following initial publication
Council contact:
Ginger Fride, Recording Secretary
[email protected]