TAB Technical Advisory Committee Meeting

Regular Meeting
January 8, 2025 | 9:00 a.m.
Location: Robert Street Council Chambers - Directions
Minutes (PDF)


Call to Order

  1. Approval of the Agenda (Agenda is approved without vote unless amended)
  2. Approval of the December 4, 2024, TAB Technical  Advisory Committee Minutes

Public Comment on Committee Business


TAB Report


Committee Reports

  1. Executive Committee (Joe MacPherson, Chair)
    1. TAC Standing Committee Membership
    2. 2025-03: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: MnDOT’s I-94 & I-35E Bridge Improvements Project Cost Reduction (Robbie King, MTS)
    3. 2025-04: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: MnDOT’s Section 5310 Bus Purchases (Robbie King, MTS)
  2. Planning Committee (Gina Mitteco, Chair)
  3. Funding & Programming Committee (Jim Kosluchar, Chair)


  1. Regional Solicitation Evaluation Workshop Debrief (Steve Peterson, MTS and Moly Stewart, SRF)

Other Business



Full Packet

Committee information

TAB Technical Advisory Committee

Committee contact:

Joe Barbeau
[email protected]