Water Supply Advisory Committee Meeting


Regular Meeting
July 10, 2024 | 12:00 p.m.
Location: Robert Street Room LLA - Directions

Call to Order

  1. Approval of the agenda
  2. Approval of minutes:

Business Item (and Committee Work)

  1. Committee administration (Lanya Ross 651-602-1803)
  2. Metro Area Water Supply Plan update and MAWSAC discussion (Lanya Ross 651-602-1803, Jen Kader 651-206-1114)

Information Items

  1. Equity-focused Water Efficiency Grant Program (Jen Kostrzewski 651-602-1078)
  2. University of Minnesota Turfgrass Program (Greg Johnson 651-602-7464)
  3. Government affairs and legislative updates (Judy Sventek 651-602-1156)
  4. MAWSAC Chair updates (Wendy Wulff, 952-563-4867) 

Next Steps

  1. Share MAWSAC recommendation with Met Council Environment Committee on July 23, 2024 to support recommendation to release the Metro Area Water Supply Plan with the rest of the 2050 Water Policy Plan for public comment
  2. Next MAWSAC meeting: Joint meeting with TAC on October 23, 2024
    • Review public input on draft Metro Area Water Supply Plan
    • Discuss how Met Council staff should respond to comments


Committee information

Water Supply Advisory Committee

Committee contact:

Shannon Skally
[email protected]