Call to Order
- Approval of the Agenda
- Approval of February 3, 2025 Community Development Committee minutes
1. 2025-77 City of Coon Rapids: LDR and Very LDR Text Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Review File 21880-9 (Eric Wojchik 651-602-1330)
2. 2025-78 Scott County Lydia Properties Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Review File 21936-6 (MacKenzie Young-Walters 651-602-1373)
3. 2025-79 Eagan Metcalf Park Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Review File 22062-22 (Patrick Boylan 651-602-1438)
- 2025-69 Midtown Greenway Regional Trail Long-Range Plan, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (Colin Kelly 651-602-1361; Zoey Mauck 651-602-1398)
2. 2025-50 JT: 1st Quarter/Carry Forward Budget Amendment (Heather Giesel 651-602-1715)
- Homeownership and Wealth Building Opportunities for Metro HRA (Caitlin Magistad 651-602-1212; Elizabeth Kirsner 651-602-5186)
- 2025 Housing and LCA Work Plan Update (Sarah Berke 651-602-1198)
JT: Joint business item; presented at two or more committees prior to being presented at Council
SW: Action taken by the Council and Committee the same week
* Agenda item changed following initial publication