Call to order
- Approval of the agenda
- Approval of September 27, 2023, Metropolitan Council minutes
Public invitation
Interested persons may address the Council on matters not on the agenda. Pre-register at Each speaker is limited to a three-minute presentation.
Consent business
- 2023-218: General Banking, Custody and P-Card RFP Award (Mark Thompson, Director, Treasury, 651-602-1629)
- 2023-237: 2024 Annual Public Housing Agency (PHA) Plan Approval (Stephanie Paulson, 651-602-1584) consent
Non-consent business – Reports of standing committees
Community Development
- Reports on consent agenda
- 2023-220: MWWTP Water Systems Renewal & Improvements Phase 1 - Distribution System Renewal (Tim Amstutz, 651-602-1221)
- 2023-221: 6-MO-650 Land Acquisition (Tim Wedin, 651-602-4571)
- Reports on consent agenda
- 2023-195: METRO B Line – Amendment 1 to Hennepin County Joint Powers and Cooperative Construction Agreement 22I046 (Frank Alarcon, 612-349-7692)
- 2023-196: METRO B Line – Amendment 2 to Engineering and Construction Administration Contract 20P322 (Alicia Valenti, 612-349-7766)
- 2023-209: Micro Pilot Project Fare Change (Cyndi Harper, 612-349-7723)
- 2023-224: Orange Line Operating Grant Agreements with the Funding Transitway Counties (Ed Petrie, 612-349-7624)
Joint reports
- 2023-225 JT: Transit Rider Investment Program, Resolution 2023-19 (Leah Palmer, 651-278-6772)
- Public Comment Budget Update and 2024-2029 Capital Program (Marie Henderson, 651-602-1387)
- Chair
- Council Members
- Regional Administrator
- General Counsel
Additional notes:
Items listed under the Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion with no separate discussion. If discussion on an item is desired, the item could be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration.
JT: Joint business item; presented at two or more committees prior to being presented at Council
SW: Action taken by the Council and Committee the same week
* Agenda item changed following initial publication