Committee of the Whole Meeting

Regular Meeting
December 18, 2024 | 4:00 p.m.
Location: Robert Street Room 1A - Directions
Minutes (PDF)


Call to order

  1. Approval of the agenda
  2. Approval of December 4th, 2024, Metropolitan Council’s Committee of the Whole minutes


1. Greenhouse Gas Allocation - Anna Pierce, Carbon Reduction Program Coordinator, MnDOT
    Office of Sustainability and Public Health (Charles Carlson 651-602-1761) 2. Local Forecasts to be included in Imagine 2050 (Todd Graham, Principal Forecaster,
    Community Development Division 651-602-1322).  


*           Agenda item changed following initial publication

Council contact:
Ginger Fride, Recording Secretary
[email protected]

Committee information

Committee of the Whole

Committee contact:

Ryan O'Connor, Regional Administrator
[email protected]